36th SuperMemo anniversary event: Difference between revisions

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* Maybe I missed it. I have read it just now. I'm not very interest to continue the comparison between FSRS and SuperMemo, because only Woz could implement SuperMemo.
* Maybe I missed it. I have read it just now. I'm not very interest to continue the comparison between FSRS and SuperMemo, because only Woz could implement SuperMemo.
** implement "SuperMemo" sounds intimidating; anyone can implement a simple algorithm based on 3-component model of memory; only data sets are an issue
** implement "SuperMemo" sounds intimidating; anyone can implement a simple algorithm based on 3-component model of memory; only data sets are an issue
* In the last event Woz was quite enthusiastic about finding ways for the community to contribute more directly to SM. APIs, plugins, even open source were discussed. What's the current state of this topic within the SM team, any progress, are they still open to/interested in the idea?
** BEST QUESTION ... social concept network is the answer. Even if this is the best Q, we should move it to the last 10 min. or Part II (this is a broad and important topic that might squeeze out oxygen from the meeting)
* Will SM20 have some sync capabilities with the phone app of SM world? Based on https://supermemopedia.com/index.php?title=Synchronization_with_supermemo.com&diff=33992&oldid=33991
** there is only one weak cog in the machine: Woz and his tasklists, Plans and priorities; perfection can be crippling πŸ™‚ ... PUSH ME!
* When will the public scheduling API become available?
* When will the public scheduling API become available?
* Can the functionality of YouTube.htm be kept the same in future versions of SM to allow users to continue to write their own incremental video scripts?
* Can the functionality of YouTube.htm be kept the same in future versions of SM to allow users to continue to write their own incremental video scripts?

Q: I believe that it is possible to implement a functional API within SM by using the techniques you have already implemented for YouTube.htm (aka reading the <input> and <option> fields). Would you be interested in providing source code for portions of SM related to YouTubeVideo.htm, and how MSHTML is used to render Elements? Based on my findings, you could provide an API without a major refactoring of the source code by adding more <input> fields user scripts can toggle.
** I am impressed! The brain treats it like an instant subconscious boost to priority!

the biggest thing is "freedom for the brains"
the biggest thing is "freedom for the brains"

Revision as of 16:39, 17 February 2024

== Q&A==

Piotr Wozniak answered some questions before the start of the event.

When to open source SM? open source is a matter of community, not individuals

  • How do you feel about FSRS?
    • feel great!
  • Are you aware of FRSRS?
    • aware, appreciating, crossing fingers but buried in the priority queue.
  • Why do you hate your customers?
    • best question! if no better shows up, I will start from this. (Note, he didn't).
  • What’s the priority algorithm of SuperMemo? Will Woz write documents for the priority algorithm like he has written for the memory algorithm?
    • documenting it in detail would be very expensive, but we can address individuals (dis)likes
  • What is the future direction of development for SM? Better algorithms or something else?
    • nothing revolutionary on 5000 task tasklist; today progress feels incremental; it always does until a big thing shows up, or little thing turns out to be a big thing
  • What is the main focus of woz's investment in the near future? Spring of Students? SM development? Or something else?
    • the biggest thing is "freedom for the brains"
  • How many SM-programmers do you currently employ?
    • 5.
      • Note: I think 5 developers is for supermemo World company, which does not mean 5 people work on SM for windows.
  • Maybe I missed it. I have read it just now. I'm not very interest to continue the comparison between FSRS and SuperMemo, because only Woz could implement SuperMemo.
    • implement "SuperMemo" sounds intimidating; anyone can implement a simple algorithm based on 3-component model of memory; only data sets are an issue
  • In the last event Woz was quite enthusiastic about finding ways for the community to contribute more directly to SM. APIs, plugins, even open source were discussed. What's the current state of this topic within the SM team, any progress, are they still open to/interested in the idea?
    • BEST QUESTION ... social concept network is the answer. Even if this is the best Q, we should move it to the last 10 min. or Part II (this is a broad and important topic that might squeeze out oxygen from the meeting)
  • When will the public scheduling API become available?
  • Can the functionality of YouTube.htm be kept the same in future versions of SM to allow users to continue to write their own incremental video scripts?

Q: I believe that it is possible to implement a functional API within SM by using the techniques you have already implemented for YouTube.htm (aka reading the <input> and <option> fields). Would you be interested in providing source code for portions of SM related to YouTubeVideo.htm, and how MSHTML is used to render Elements? Based on my findings, you could provide an API without a major refactoring of the source code by adding more <input> fields user scripts can toggle.

    • I am impressed! The brain treats it like an instant subconscious boost to priority!

the biggest thing is "freedom for the brains"

Yes, but if all is closed code, then the open community has to start at zero. As I understand it, the question is whether SM could offer interfaces for open source that could be built upon without giving away the secrets.


implement "SuperMemo" sounds intimidating; anyone can implement a simple algorithm based on 3-component model of memory; only data sets are an issue

better understanding of people destroyed by school or modern lifestyle; the potential of the planet is far greater than it seems

there is only one weak cog in the machine: Woz and his tasklists, Plans and priorities; perfection can be crippling πŸ™‚ ... PUSH ME! πŸ™‚

What do you mean with "data sets are an issue"? Can you explain the issues?

BEST QUESTION ... social concept network is the answer. Even if this is the best Q, we should move it to the last 10 min. or Part II (this is a broad and important topic that might squeeze out oxygen from the meeting)

Main topics that were discussed:

Supermemo API

Supermemo for WIndows integration with supermemo.com

Supermemo algorithm vs FSRS

Using SuperMemo on mobile devices

Supermemo API