Private Tutoring For Supermemo
Tutoring sessions for SuperMemo
I offer one on one sessions for SuperMemo for Windows and everything related to it. You will find detailed explanations in this page.
Hours tutored so far: 40h
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Target audience
Let me present to you different cases where I can help you:
- You start brand new to SuperMemo, Incremental Reading and Spaced Repetition in general.
- You start brand new to SuperMemo and Incremental Reading, but you used a SRS app before.
- You want to transition from Anki to SuperMemo.
- You have started and discontinued to use Supermemo back and forth. Potentially because of its learning curve.
- You have been using SuperMemo at a basic level, and you want to take it to the next level.
- You want to learn something specific using SuperMemo: a language, scientific domains, history, etc.
- You want help with AutoHotKey scripts, setting a backup solution to the cloud, etc.
- You have a battery of accumulated questions about SuperMemo you cannot resolve as of today.
- You want a fast track. In other words, convenience over time. I will save you time reading in the documentation, asking in the community, or even watching my own youtube videos. You will achieve a substantial proficiency in Incremental Reading in a short period of time.
I prefer using Zoom, I'd accept other platforms if you want to. Based on my experience, Zoom works best, spcially for high latency. TeamViewer is a good option if you want to give me control over your computer (mouse, keyboard, etc).
The session consist of a meeting, usually sharing your screen. I will adapt to you about the duration of session, or if you want to take breaks in between, if you want webcam or not, etc.
By default I offer my services in English. I am fully competent in Spanish and Catalan, so we can use any of these three languages as a vehicular language.
I live in Central European Time. You can quickly check our time difference here
Rate: For now the rate is 'pay what you want' in Euro (€). You may need to convert your currency. I plan do set a minimum rate in the future.
Payment methods: Depending of you country of residence, yo may prefer to use one method over the other because of fees applied or lack of availability.