Limits of SuperMemo

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Have you ever wondered if there is a hard limit in SuperMemo? Here I will be recollecting my own findings.

What is the maximum interval an element can have?

120 years.

What is the total text size limit?

Total text size in all SuperMemos from SuperMemo 9 (1998) through SuperMemo 18 is 2 GB.


What is the extension limit for topics?

There is Imports might be limited by hardware or Internet Explorer. SuperMemo gets specially slow for large topics, but there is no theoretical limit on the length of articles to paste. The absolute limit will be the same as the total size limit at 2GB. That is an article two billion characters long.


What is the limit on the number of clozes in Decompose?

The limit is 255 in older SuperMemos, 65535 in newer SuperMemos.
