Supermemo window dialogs

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Exhaustive list that displays all windows dialogs that exist in SuperMemo 18, including obsure an arcane dialogs.

List of window dialogs

AHK class AHK title Screenshot When is opened Comment Acronym
#32770 Color choose fontImport Q&A (Browse for folder)
TAboutBox AboutWindow
TAddTranscription AddPronunciation
TAnalysisDlg AnalysisWindow
Tancestors AncestorsWindow AW
TBackBackground SM background
TBrowser Browser BW
TChecksDlg Select tile components, splitArticle
TChoicesDlg Choices mail import
TCommanderDlg SuperMemoCommander
TConceptMapForm Concept::concept map
TContents ContentsWwindow CW
TElDATAWind ElementDataWindow DW
TElementFilter LeechCatcher
TElParamDlg ElementParameters
TElWind ElementWindow EW
TFAQDlg E-mail Response
TFileBrowser FileBrowser ahk_class
THitEditor Hit-AreaEditor
TImgDown ImagesDownload ctrl+F8
TInputDlg Custom split string


TLayoutDlg Layouts
TLeechManagerDlg LeechAlert!
TLocalizationDlg LocalitzationTable
TMemForm Memory status
TMercyForm MercyRescheduling
TMsgDialog Information


TMyFindDlg FindElements ctrl+F find elements FEW
TMyReplaceDlg Search&replace
TOptions Options
TOrderEditor ComponentOrder
TPlanDlg Schedule plan ctrl+P PW
TPlanParamDlg "Activity Options"
TPostponeDlg PostponeOutstanding
TPriorityDlg ElementPriority
TPUtilWindow Hidden windows SM uses that can be used for AHK
TRegistryForm Registry
TRepHistoryForm RepetitionHistory
TRepSortDlg RepetitionSortingCriteria
TRotateForm MoreGraphsWindows 4D
TScriptEditor ScriptEditor
TShowTimeDialog Displayatwindow(component)
TSimDlg Simulation Simulation of the learning process
TSleepForm Sleeptimeline
TSMMain Toolbar
TStats StatsWindow SW
TStylesheetEditor SuperMemoStylesheet
TTargetDlg ChooseCollection favorites
TTaskManager Tasklist
TThemeTestDlg Theme testing
TURLOpenDlg # links found
TWebDlg WebImport
TWorkload WorkloadCalendar